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    Working with Paragraph Dialog box
         With Paragraph dialog box we can change ‘Text Align’, Text Indent’, ‘Paragraph Space, ‘Line Space’ etc.

    To Center Alignment:

     Type 2 or 3 Paragraph
     Select the Paragraphs
     Click Format Menu
     Click Paragraph
     Click Alignment ‘Drop down Arrow’
     Select Centered
     Click Ok

     Shortcut [Select Paragraph, Ctrl + E]

    To Right Alignment:

     Type 2 or 3 Paragraph
     Select the Paragraphs
     Click Format Menu
     Click Paragraph
     Click Alignment ‘Drop down Arrow’
     Select Right
     Click Ok

     Shortcut [Select Paragraph, Ctrl + R]

    To Left Alignment:

     Type 2 or 3 Paragraph
     Select the Paragraphs
     Click Format Menu
     Click Paragraph
     Click Alignment ‘Drop down Arrow’
     Select Left
     Click Ok

     Shortcut [Select Paragraph, Ctrl + L]

    To Left Indentation:

     Type 2 or 3 Paragraph
     Select the Paragraphs
     Click Format Menu
     Click Paragraph
     Set or Type Indentation Left: 0.5
     Click Ok

    Shortcut [Select Paragraph, Ctrl + M]

    To Remove Left Indentation:

     Type 2 or 3 Paragraph
     Select the Paragraphs
     Click Format Menu
     Click Paragraph
     Set or Type Indentation Left: 0
     Click Ok

     Shortcut [Select Paragraph, Ctrl + Shift + M]

    To Right Indentation:

     Type 2 or 3 Paragraph
     Select the Paragraphs
     Click Format Menu
     Click Paragraph
     Set or Type Indentation Right: 0.5
     Click Ok

    To Remove Right Indentation:

     Type 2 or 3 Paragraph
     Select the Paragraphs
     Click Format Menu
     Click Paragraph
     Set or Type Indentation Right: 0
     Click Ok

    To Set First Line Indentation:

     Type 2 or 3 Paragraph
     Select the Paragraphs
     Click Format Menu
     Click Paragraph
     Click Special ‘Drop down Arrow’
     Select First Line
     Click Ok

    To Remove First Line Indentation:

     Type 2 or 3 Paragraph
     Select the Paragraphs
     Click Format Menu
     Click Paragraph
     Click Special ‘Drop down Arrow’
     Select None
     Click Ok

    To Set Hanging Indentation:

     Type 2 or 3 Paragraph
     Select the Paragraphs
     Click Format Menu
     Click Paragraphs
     Click Special ‘Drop down Arrow’
     Select Hanging
     Click Ok

     Shortcut [Select Paragraph, Ctrl + T]

    To Remove Hanging Indentation:

     Type 2 or 3 Paragraph
     Select the Paragraphs
     Click Format Menu
     Click Paragraph
     Click Special ‘Drop down Arrow’
     Select None
     Click Ok

     Shortcut [Select Paragraph, Ctrl + Shift + T]

    To Paragraph Spacing [Before or After]:

     Type 2 or 3 Paragraph
     Select the Paragraphs
     Click Format Menu
     Click Paragraph
     Set or Type Spacing Before: 6 pt or as you choice
     Click Ok

     Shortcut [Select Paragraph, Ctrl + 0 for Before: 12 pt]

    To Remove Paragraph Spacing [Before or After]:

     Type 2 or 3 Paragraph
     Select the Paragraphs
     Click Format Menu
     Click Paragraph
     Set or Type Spacing Before: 0 pt or as you choice
     Click Ok

     Shortcut [Select Paragraph, Ctrl + 0]

    To Set Line Spacing:

     Type 2 or 3 Paragraph
     Select the Paragraphs
     Click Format Menu
     Click Paragraph
     Click Line Spacing ‘Drop down Arrow’
     Select 1.5 lines or as you choice
     Click Ok

     Shortcut [Select Paragraph, Ctrl + 5 for 1.5 line, Ctrl + 2 for Double]

    To Remove Line Spacing:

     Type 2 or 3 Paragraph
     Select the Paragraphs
     Click Format Menu
     Click Paragraph
     Click Line Spacing ‘Drop down Arrow’
     Select Single
     Click Ok

     Shortcut [Select Paragraph, Ctrl + 1 for Single]

    Drop Cap:
       Drop Cap is used to a large dropped initial capital letter.

    To Drop Cap:

     Type 5 Lines or More
     Select First Character of Paragraph
     Click Format Menu
     Click Drop Cap
     Select Dropped or In margin
     [Change other options as you choice or not]
     Click Ok

    To Change Text Direction of Drop Cap:

     After Apply Drop Cap
     Click Format Menu
     Click Text Direction
     Select a Orientation
     Click Ok

    Change Case:
       Change Case option is used to change of case. With Change Case option we can change Upper Case to Lower Case, Lower Case to Upper Case, Sentence Case to Title Case, and Title Case to Upper Case etc.

    To Change Case:

     Select Text
     Click Format Menu
     Click Change Case
     Select as you choice [Upper Case / Title Case]
     Click Ok

     Shortcut [Select Text, Shift + F3]

    About AutoCorrect Options:
         To automatically detect and correct typos, misspelled words, and incorrect capitalization, you can use AutoCorrect.
    For example, if you type teh plus a space, then AutoCorrect replaces what you have typed with "the." Or if you type This is theh ouse plus a space, AutoCorrect replaces what you have typed with "This is the house."
    You can also use AutoCorrect to quickly insert symbols that are included in the built-in list of AutoCorrect entries. For example, type (c) to insert ©.
    If the list of built-in entries doesn't contain the corrections that you want, you can add entries.
       Note: Text included in hyperlinks is not automatically corrected.

    To AutoCorrect Option (1):

     Click Tools Menu
     Click AutoCorrect Options …
     Type ‘th’ into Replace: box
     Type ‘the’ into With: box
     Click Add
     Click Ok
     Then type ‘th’ and plus a Space

    To AutoCorrect Options (2):

     Click Tools Menu
     Click AutoCorrect Options …
     Type ‘te’ into Replace: box
     Type ‘the’ into With: box
     Click Add
     Click Ok
     Then type ‘te’ and plus a Space

    To AutoCorrect Options (3):

     Click Tools Menu
     Click AutoCorrect Options …
     Type ‘bcl’ into Replace: box
     Type ‘Bhuiyan Computers Limited’ into With: box
     Click Add
     Click Ok
     Then type ‘bcl’ and plus a Space

    About Automatic Formatting:
         By using AutoFormat, you can quickly apply formatting such as headings, bulleted and numbered lists, borders, numbers, symbols, and fractions to your text. Microsoft Word can also:
    • Automatically format Internet, network, and e-mail addresses as hyperlinks.
    • Apply bold or italic character formatting to text surrounded by asterisks (*) or underscores (_).
    • Replace two hyphens (--) with an em dash (— ).
    You can automatically format a document either as you type or after you've written it. In both cases, you can control which automatic changes Word makes. You can also turn off automatic formatting.
    Word analyzes each paragraph to see how it's used in the document— for example, as a heading or as an item in a numbered list— and then applies a style that's appropriate for that item.

    Formatting as you type:
         When you set options on the AutoFormat As You Type tab (Tools menu, AutoCorrect Options command), Word can automatically format text as you're typing your document. For example, if you type a number followed by a period or hyphen, followed by a space or tab, followed by text, Word makes the text a numbered list.
    When Word applies automatic formatting, you can use the AutoCorrect Options button to undo the action or change AutoFormat settings. Depending on the situation, the entire button may appear or the button may first appear as a small, blue box that changes to a button icon when you point to it.

    Formatting after you type:
         When you use the AutoFormat dialog box (Format menu, AutoFormat command), Word can format text in one pass, enabling you to review all the changes Word makes and accept or reject each one.
    • In addition to using AutoFormat, you can use the Styles and Formatting task pane to help format your document quickly.
    • The AutoCorrect Options button is not available when you run AutoFormat after you type. You can, however, review AutoFormat results and determine whether or not to accept a change.

    Automatic formatting results:
    This topic describes how Microsoft Word automatically formats various elements in your document.

    Quotation marks:
    Changes straight quotation marks (' and ") to smart (curly) quotes ( and ).

    En dash ( – ):
    Changes text, a space, one or more hyphens ( - ), one or no spaces, and more text, such as pages 3 - 10, to text with an en-dash, such as pages 3–10.

    Em dash (— ):
    Changes two hyphens immediately preceded by text, such as "pines--ponderosa, for example--grow" to text and an em-dash (— ), such as "pines— ponderosa, for example— grow."

    Bold formatting:
    Applies bold formatting to text that's surrounded by asterisks (*):
    Example: *solar system* becomes solar system
    This option is on by default only when using Word as your e-mail editor.
    You can customize the format result of bold text— for example, make it larger and bold— by changing the Strong character styles that Word applies.

    Italic formatting:
    Applies italic formatting to text that's surrounded by underlines ( _ ):
    Example: _solar system_ becomes solar system
    This option is on by default only when using Word as your e-mail editor.
    You can customize the format result of italic text— for example, make it larger and italic— by changing the Emphasis character styles that Word applies.

    An Internet, network, or e-mail address becomes a hyperlink.

    Applies a border above a paragraph as you type three or more of the following characters:
     Hyphens or underscores for a single line
     Equal signs for a double line
     Asterisks for a dotted line
     Tildes (~) for a single wavy line
     Number signs (#) for a decorative line
    Note: Automatic borders can only be applied as you type (AutoFormat As You Type tab).

    Numbered lists:
    Applies numbered list formatting when you type a number followed by a period, hyphen, closing parenthesis, or greater-than sign (>), and then a space or tab and text.
    Note: To end the list, press ENTER twice.

    Bulleted lists:
    Applies bullets to any of the following that occur before a space or tab and text:-
     An asterisk
     One or two hyphens
     A greater-than sign (>)
     An arrow created with a greater-than sign and a hyphen or equal sign (-> or =>)
    Note: To end the list, press ENTER twice.

    Lists with decorative bullets:
    Applies decorative bullets— where the symbol or picture is followed by two or more spaces and then text.
    The symbols must be inserted with the Symbol command (Insert menu), or an inline picture (must be within 1.5 times the height of the line).

    Lead-in lists:
    Repeats the same formatting to the lead-in text of the next list item when you type a bullet, asterisk, or similar character, followed by a space, followed by bold, italic, or underlined text, followed by a period, colon, hyphen, em dash, question mark, exclamation point, or similar character, and then a space or tab, and then plain text.
     Paul: Catch the ball.
     George: I refuse!
    Note: Lead-in lists can only be applied as you type (AutoFormat As You Type tab).

    Ordinal numbers:
    Formats an ordinal number with superscript text; for example, 1st becomes.

    Formats a fraction as a single character; for example, 1/4, 1/2, or 3/4 becomes ¼, ½, or ¾.

    Inserts a table when you type a plus sign, a series of hyphens, another plus sign, and so on (ending the series with a plus sign), and then press ENTER:- +---+----------+----------------+
    Note: Tables can only be applied as you type (AutoFormat As You Type tab).
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