Move the Insertion Point/Cursor  
LEFT ARROW One character to the left
RIGHT ARROW One charecter to the right
UP ARROW Up one line
DOWN ARROW Down one line
CTRL+LEFT ARROW One word to the left
CTRL+RIGHT ARROW One word to the right
CTRL+UP ARROW One paragraph up
CTRL+DOWN ARROW One paragraph down
END To the end of a line
HOME To the beginning of a line
PAGE DOWN Down one screen (scrolling)
PAGE Up Up one screen (scrolling)
ALT+CTRL+PAGE DOWN To the end of the window
ALT+CTRL+PAGE UP To the top of the window
CTRL+PAGE DOWN To the top of the next page
CTRL+PAGE UP To the top of the previous page
CTRL+END To the end of a document
CTRL+HOME To the beginning of a document
SHIFT+F5 To a previous revision
SHIFT+F5 After opening a document, to the location it was in when the document was last closed
TAB One cell to the right (in a table)
SHIFT+TAB One cell to the left (in a table)
Select Text  
DOUBLE CLICK (mouse) One word
TRIPLE CLICK (mouse) One paragraph
SHIFT+LEFT ARROW Left text of the insertion point/cursor
SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW Right text of the insertion point/cursor
SHIFT+UP ARROW Up text/line of the insertion point/cursor
SHIFT+DOWN ARROW Down text/line of the insertion point/cursor
Delete Text  
BACKSPACE Delete one charecter to the left
DELETE Delete one charecter to the right
CTRL+BACKSPACE Delete one word to the left
CTRL+DELETE Delete one word to the right
INSERT Overtype
CTRL+X Cut the selected text
CTRL+Z Undo the last action
Copy and Move Text and Graphics  
CTRL+C Copy text or graphics
CTRL+C, CTRL+C Display the Office Clipboard
F2 (then move the insertion point and press ENTER) Move text or graphics
ALT+F3 Create AutoText
CTRL+V Paste the Office Clipboard contents
CTRL+SHIFT+F3 Paste the Spike contents
ALT+SHIFT+R Copy the header or footer used in the previous section of the document
CTRL+N New document
CTRL+ENTER Insert page
CTRL+O or CTRL+F12 or CTRL+ALT+F2 Open command
CTRL+S or ALT+SHIFT+F2 Save command
F12 Save as command
CTRL+F2 or ALT+CTRL+I Switch in or out of print preview
CTRL+P or CTRL+SHIFT+F12 Print command
CTRL+W Close document
CTRL+SHIFT+> or CTRL+] Increase font size
CTRL+SHIFT+< or CTRL+[ Decrease font size
CTRL+B Bold text
CTRL+I Italic text
CTRL+U Underline
CTRL+C Copy selected text or graphics
CTRL+V Paste text or graphics